The IRIS Pan & Tilt mainline crawler from Insight Vision Cameras incorporates a motorized crawler and a power rewind/feed assist cable drum. The level rewind reel allows the video cable to be rewound at the same speed the crawler is moving to avoid running over the cable. It allows full 360-degree rotation and 180-degree pan for lateral sewer pipe inspection. It is engineered for inspection of pipe from 6 to 12 inches in diameter, and up to 18 inches with an optional pneumatic wheel set. The motorized drum holds 600 feet of flexible and rugged video cable. It is built with a telescopic handle and self-contained wheels for easy movement and portability. The system operates on Window 7 64-bit software with 500GB of solid-state drive. It incorporates an integrated accessory power outlet, multiple recording ports, HDMI external port, 10-inch LCD touch screen, Windows apps, snapshots, on-screen footage and text writer. 800/488-8177;
Push TV/Crawler Camera Systems - Insight Vision Cameras IRIS Pan & Tilt
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