Your Sewer Inspection Data Should Be Mobile

Sewer inspection is hard work, but sharing the results doesn't have to be with WinCan Web

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Your Sewer Inspection Data Should Be Mobile

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With traditional inspection management software, valuable time may be lost as data sits, waiting for a crew to return to the shop and schedule an export. But WinCan Web is the cloud-based solution that allows you to manage, share and analyze sewer inspection data, anytime, anywhere.

  • Inspection data can be viewed remotely, on any browser-enabled smartphone, tablet or other device.
  • Robust security and permissions capabilities make it easy to get deliverables and data — including images, video and maps — into the right hands on time.
  • Instant uploads ensure your entire team has access to the most up-to-date information, no matter where they are.

Get a free demo and learn how cloud data can help your sewer inspection team collaborate, respond faster and work more efficiently.

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