Also in this week's sewer and water news, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is claiming that San Francisco's homeless camps are violating the Clean Water Act
In this Q&A, two Stanford University researchers discuss how a diversified water portfolio can meet the water needs of California heading into an uncertain future
Also in this week's sewer and water news, a car vs. hydrant crash cuts off water service to San Diego (California) International Airport
The East Bay Municipal Utility District has long been a national leader in pipeline innovation, and now it's pioneering water infrastructure projects that could mitigate the impact of seismic events in the region
Ice pigging offers an efficient, cost-effective and powerful approach to cleaning force mains
Also in this week's sewer and water news, 220,000 customers in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, are left without water service after a subcontractor breaks a water main
Its minuscule size doesn’t diminish Arrowbear Park’s impressive record of system upgrades and accomplishments
In this week's sewer and water news, a coalition of California water utilities lobbies lawmakers to protect them from liability for damages caused by fires they didn't start but failed to help extinguish