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Rehab/Relining + Get AlertsWhen you think of the Florida Everglades, one thing you probably think about is very moist air and very swampy ground. Those can be big obstacles for municipalities in this area because the U.S. EPA has rather stringent guidelines regarding the control of stormwater.
The EPA notes, “Polluted stormwater runoff is commonly transported through Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s), from which it is often discharged untreated into local water bodies. To prevent harmful pollutants from being washed or dumped into an MS4, operators must obtain a NPDES permit and develop a stormwater management program.”
One municipality in Florida had been struggling with keeping their streets clean for years. It had actually been using a street sweeper with a nozzle, but that just could not help workers keep up with the ever-present stormwater problem. Eventually, the city purchased an Aquatech B-10 Jet/Vac truck from Hi-Vac Corporation to handle the job.
The decision to purchase the Aquatech was made after research showed that an Aquatech Jet/Vac Combination Truck would outlast other options, is clearly a safer choice, and is backed by a company with decades of experience.
If you are like most municipalities, your specifications probably call for a front-mounted hose reel and boom. However, when considering the factors listed above, you will actually find that a jet/vac unit with a rear-mounted hose reel is your best bet. The fact is that a front-mounted reel and boom exert undue pressure on the front of the truck, often requiring expensive front axle repairs and creating significant wear and tear on the steering and brakes.
Even more important, a rear-mounted reel and boom is far safer than a truck with a front-mounted hose reel and boom. With the hose reel and boom on the rear of the truck, the driver is afforded a 270-degree visibility range and the headlights on the front are not obscured. Your operator can also work away from the noise of the engines and other moving parts, making communication easier.
That Florida city that decided to purchase an Aquatech B-10 rather than a modified street sweeper found that even though their original specifications had called for a front reel design, the rear reel jet/vac unit offered a safe and more effective, durable solution. Moreover, the jet/vac was versatile and proved to work for applications beyond what had originally been needed.
If you are having difficulties in keeping your streets clean of stormwater, this might be the time to consider an investment in a jet/vac unit with a rear reel design. To learn more, contact Aquatech today at