Electronic Leak Detection - Water leak detection system

The Gen-Ear LE water leak locator from General Pipe Cleaners uses a compact amplifier that provides noise-free amplification with built-in preset audio filters. Noise-canceling high-performance headphones block out interference. It allows users to listen for the gurgling or hammering of water escaping from a cracked pipe under concrete, asphalt or tile. Probe rods can be used for soft surfaces like grass or carpet, and a magnetic attachment serves above-ground pipes or hydrants. A safety button mutes sudden loud noises when released. Two AA batteries power the unit for 20 or more hours. To extend battery life, the system automatically shuts down when headphones are removed. The power light blinks to indicate when batteries are low. The sound amplification module adds air to the line, increasing the water pressure, amplifying leak sounds and making them easier to locate. 800/245-6200; www.drainbrain.com.


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