TV Inspection Cameras - RS Technical Services TranSTAR II and TrakSTAR II

The TrakSTAR II camera and TranSTAR II tractor combo from RS Technical Services can be used for inspections in 6- to 24-inch lines up to 2,000 feet in length. The camera is a microprocessor-controlled single-conductor pan/tilt/zoom unit with built-in ultra-bright, fully adjustable remote-controlled LEDs, programmable pan-and-rotate limits with on-screen instructions, home function, internal pressure and humidity sensors, internal clock with startup counter, onboard diagnostics and sapphire lens window. At 14 inches in length, the tractor is a six-wheeled, steerable, all gear-driven transporter equipped with two 90-watt Rare Earth permanent magnet motors, three forward speeds, reverse and freewheel for rapid retrieval, tilt-up connector and rear-view color camera. Optional manual and motorized elevator systems, 512 Hz pigtail sonde and multiple tire configurations are available. 800/767-1974;


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