The Opticam 2017 camera system from Insight Vision Cameras has a user-friendly keypad that’s been redesigned with an easy on-demand recording and snapshot button to help speed up inspection time. Technicians can easily record vital inspection data and client information using the available on-screen text writer and footage counter. A built-in microphone and speaker allows the technician to record voice-over videos and then play the video back on the 10.4-inch LCD monitor. The system includes a 1.3-inch modular, self-leveling camera head that is geared to inspect sewer pipes from 3 to 12 inches in diameter. A built-in sonde broadcasts a 512 Hz frequency, which is locatable with a 512 Hz locator. The system comes with a free downloadable Insight Vision app for iOS and Android mobile devices that allows users to view, record, snapshot and share sewer inspection videos. 800/488-8177;
Push TV Camera Systems - Insight Vision Cameras Opticam 2017
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