Also in this week's water and wastewater news, the Department of the Interior announces $50 million in funding to improve water infrastructure and enhance drought-related data collection across the Upper Colorado River Basin
Also in this week's sewer and water news, a mudslide in Colorado blocks access to a wastewater treatment plant
Also in this week's sewer and water news, a man faces felony charges after threatening Portland (Oregon) Water Bureau employees with a pitchfork and burglarizing an office building
Also in this week's sewer and water news, engineers in California measure the lowest April 1 snowpack the Sierra Nevada has seen in seven years, and the sixth lowest recorded in state history
First model of “baseflow” reflects possible climate change conditions
Also in this week's sewer and water news, South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster announces a $500 million rural water/wastewater infrastructure proposal
Peer utilities across the United States highlight utility’s work to protect ecosystems, communities and climate