Hammerhead's Redesigned Blue Light LED CIPP Lining System Puts Users First

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In this online exclusive video from the Water & Wastewater Equipment, Treatment & Transport (WWETT) Show, Jeff Urbanski of Hammerhead Trenchless introduces the Bluelight LED CIPP lining system for laterals and small drain pipes.

“We’re constantly evolving and listening to the voice of the customer, and they’re talking to us and saying ‘hey we need you to make these changes.’ We’ve been listening and we have a new system again," says Urbanski.

“One of the things we’ve introduced recently is the small light head — that’s our 144 light head that does 3- and 4-inch diameter pipes. That really allows an installer to have that ability to do much, much smaller diameters with our Blue Light system.”

The company also redesigned its connector system to prevent accidental damage and put a new user interface on the Blue Light, according to Urbanski.

For more information, visit www.hammerheadtrenchless.com.


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