A Reliable No-Dig Solution for Efficient Sewer and Pipeline Repair

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A Reliable No-Dig Solution for Efficient Sewer and Pipeline Repair

CUES is proud to offer a structural point repair solution, CUES LOCK. Lining entire pipe segments to solve localized problems can be costly. Cross-bore strikes, cracks and separated joints, just to name a few, can be repaired in as little as 30 minutes, with no digging. Gear required to install CUES LOCK is very minimal, and on average, will pay for itself in the first one to three repairs. This saves significant time and money versus dig and replace or traditional lining, as well as improving safety for install crews by limiting exposure. 

  • Sleeve constructed with a 316SS core, rated to 100-year service life
  • Available from 6-inch to 108-inch-plus diameter and 12-inch to 36-inch lengths
  • Sleeves can be installed in series to repair longer defects
  • Can be used with your existing CCTV system

Download the brochure and visit the CUES website for more information. 

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