The RELINER Manhole Invert Channel System is a molded fiberglass flume with a smooth sewer pipe interface used to rehabilitate inverts without flow interruption. The system provides a solution to insufficient manhole hydraulics, reducing the occurrence of backups due to wipes, paper and solids. The field-installed modular components bolt together, are adaptable to a wide range of field conditions and manhole sizes, and are compatible with all manhole-lining systems. Once installed, the fiberglass channels act as a form for the placement of a new concrete bench. The full-depth lined channels are high flow and easy to clean and maintain. Standard 8- and 12-inch-depth channel sections fit through a 24-inch manhole frame and will accommodate 6- through 12-inch pipes. Larger sizes are available. 800/508-6001;
Manhole Parts and Components - RELINER Manhole Invert Channel System
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